Tuesday 24 September 2013

Time To Shine

Wow! Ruma Ruru really shone today as they showed off their inquiry learning. We hope you learned a thing or two about how to use things around us (for example, oranges) for sustainability.

Check out the Ruru's showcasing their ideas...

Thanks to Oliver-Josh and Abbie who did a wonderful introduction.
Check out the slideshow if you missed out...

A HUGE thanks to those parents that came along to share in the Ruru's learning...

We hope you enjoyed  it and those tasty muffins!

Please leave us a comment on what you enjoyed about this inquiry. Maybe your favourite 'use of an orange' or the Mihi Whakatau? 

See you soon xx


  1. "My favourite things to make with oranges is Ruru's special sparkling clearner"
    "I liked sharing with the adults what I had been up to during Mihi Whakatau"

  2. Hi Jaxon, you did such a great job showing off your knowledge at the mihi Whakatau. The sparkly cleaner is great isn't it? I'm looking forward to using it again this term, it sure goes along way.
    Love Miss Welch :)
