Sunday 13 October 2013

Holiday Time

Welcome back, I hope everyone had a lovely and relaxing holiday. Here is your chance to tell others about your holiday. Just write or email me your story and a picture (optional) and I'll pop it on the blog. First up:


Anika has been so proud of her flowers.  Watering regularly and so happy when they bloomed. Concentrating...

Great work Anika using your Nature SMART!

Next Ruru on holiday:


During the holidays I went to Wellington and I saw a skeleton of a blue whale at Te Papa. It was amazing, I loved it!!

How exciting Jaxon, I love that place too!

Another Ruru on holiday:


The holidays were super fun, we were lucky to have my Grandma here. We escaped to the beach and did a fun trip from Waihi Town to Waikino in the Train, we also went to Butterfly Creek, where beside seeing the butterfly we saw a crocodile!!!! And they made some really nice desserts :)

See you soon clever Rurus xx

1 comment:

  1. I went to the movies and saw Turbo. It was fun. Love Heidi
