Sunday 8 September 2013

Oranges, oranges, oranges...

With the flu season rearing it's ugly head again and the knowledge that oranges are in season, Ruma Ruru is swinging into 'orange mania.'

Today we designed fruit juicers because Miss Welch gets a sore wrist using this juicing method... we came up with some imaginative inventions.

Be cautioned there were some serious inventors at work... -

We also discussed how making orange juice was sometimes wasting the fruit...there must be more things you can do with an orange? Also, what can we do with all the fruit on the trees we can't eat ourselves?

A reading group were lucky enough to get a jump start on their research but wanted to share their findings with the rest of the class. So we videoed most of the story... see if you can pick out some of the uses of an orange?

And so, the Rurus have been sent on their way with the challenge to find as many answers to this question as they can.

"What are the uses of an orange?"

They are hunting on the internet, in books and asking experts by using 'key words.' Maybe they will ask you. Looking forward to sharing time on Wednesday so we can start trying out some of the uses!!

Feel free to put your 'orange' ideas here team. Looking forward to some fruit fun!

Love Miss Welch

Sorry, couldn't help myself :)


  1. Here is Jaxon's massive list he found on the internet - He wanted to blog it!!
    - Make some natural citrus cleaner
    - Garbage Disposal sweetener
    - Clean your sink
    - Make an orange peel face mask
    - Fire Starters
    - Keep cats away from your garden or houseplants
    - Make a tea out of them to cure migrains
    - Apply as mosquito repellent
    - Use to get rid of ants
    - Slug repellent

    1. Wow Jaxon!
      These are some great ideas, well done. What 'key' words did you use to search the internet with? Does anyone have any other ideas they can add to Jaxon's?
      Proud Miss Welch :)

  2. Abbie's uses for oranges:
    1. kindling to make a fire
    2. make a pomander
    3. make stove top potpourri
    4. keep cats off your garden
    5. mosquito repellent
    6. get rid of ants.

  3. Carter googled 'Uses of Oranges'....this is what we came up with:
    The flesh of the orange is yum to eat and great for making fresh juice.
    The peel of an orange can be used for:
    ~bath oil
    ~orange zest for cake (yum)
    ~mosquito, cat, ant and slug repellent
    ~flavoured oil
    ~deodorise garbage bins
    ~making marmalade/orange jam
    ~cow feed
    ~lowering blood pressure and helping with a lot of other illnesses
    By Carter

  4. Eva looked up "orange peel shoes" because we wanted to know if anyone had made shoes out of orange peel. We found that there is indeed an orange peel adidas shoe! We also found out that you can leave orange peel in smelly shoes overnight and they will smell nice in the morning.
    Love Eva xoxo

  5. Mac and Mummy brainstorm without the use of the internet, first, and this is what we came up with ...

    1. eat raw especially at rugby and soccer half time
    2. baking cakes, muffins, biscuits & slices
    3. juice them
    4. feed zoo animals that are fruit eaters
    5. vitamin c tablets
    6. eat at dinnertime with beef to help our bodies to absorb the iron that is in the beef
    7. cleaning products to make our homes smell nice
    8. orange oil for scent in things like soap, bodywash, body lotion, lip balm and hand cream

    Tonight we will search the internet to get some other ideas.

  6. Abbie was very disappointed that the ideas she posted on Monday night didn't make it onto the blog! She googled "uses for oranges" and came up with the following uses:
    1. kindling for starting a fire
    2. make a pomander
    3. make stove top potpourri
    4. keep cats off the garden
    5. use as mosquito repellent
    6. get rid of ants

  7. Wow, lots of ideas already, we also found -

    Freshen up a smelly sock or underwear draw with orange peels
    Use orange peels to remove tar from shoes
    Cup of tea with orange peel

