Thursday 25 April 2013

Holiday time!!

Hi Ruma Ruru,

I hope you are resting up and have fun during the holidays. Wow, I am really looking forward to all of our adventures next term!

I have put up some fun games and activities on our blog- you can find them under 'Games and Songs.' You can also leave a comment on here telling me what you are up to for the holidays.

Love Miss Welch.

P.S Mr Piggles is having a wonderful holiday too. He is enjoying having a sleep in and seeing some of his friends like Mr Dog. 


  1. Hi Miss Welch,
    These holidays my cousin Kenneth came to stay with us. We went to the movies to see 'The Croods', I really liked it. We had McDonalds for dinner and Dad let us buy lollies to eat.
    I have been riding my scooter lots and playing with my brothers and dog Hugo.
    Love Carter x

  2. Hi Carter!

    Lovely to hear from you, wow your holiday sounds like fun! You will have to tell me about 'The Croods' as I have not seen that one yet? See you in a few days time for another fun term.

    Love Miss Welch :)

  3. Hi Miss Welch,
    I went to see 'The Croods' today with my Granny and Poppa and my cousins. It was really good.
    I am enjoying my holidays and helping my daddy in the garden. Tomorrow my brother is going to a sleepover and I am going to watch E.T.
    I hope you are having a good holiday.
    See you soon.
    Love Eva xxxx

  4. Hi Eva!

    Now I have to go and see this movie, great reviews! Yes holidays are going great thanks, am heading to the beach tomorrow, hopefully the sun stays out.

    See you in a few days time.
    Love Miss Welch :)
