Sunday 25 August 2013

We love maths!

What shall we blog about this week? The ideas flowed... planting hairy brains, fruit and vegetables in season, Ruru's...

After a big brainstorm and discussion we decided that this week we would blog about what we are doing in maths...

We start with the biggest number. (Heidi)
Symmetry means things are the same on each side. (Oliver-Josh)
Maths makes our brains hairy. (Jasmine)
Maths is cool because you can learn about big numbers. (Aaryn)
Our game box has the caterpillar game, I love it. (Bradley)

These girls are pretty proud of the ideas...

Here are some examples of math problems we are learning to solve:

1. What is this number? How many tens and ones does the number have?

2. What is this number? How many tens and ones does the number have?

3. What is this number? How many tens and ones does the number have?

4. Which number is bigger, number 2 or number 3?

Have a go!

Love Ruma Ruru


  1. 3 is the biggest number. Jasmine

  2. Good thinking Jasmine, I think you've got the hang of tens and ones! :)

  3. Book Week, Cross Country and Maths!! You Ruru class keep really busy!! and everything looks like lots of fun... Keep the good work and bring on spring :)

  4. 1. 21
    2. 34
    3. 43
    4. Number 3 is the answer

    Eva xxoo

    1. Well done Eva, you're a place value whiz :)
