Sunday 4 August 2013

Keeping up to date...


It is now Term 3 and Ruma Ruru is straight back into learning after a refreshing holiday.

Term 2 saw plenty of fun and interesting things...

We lost lots of teeth...

We taught each other...


We taught Chef Spag about fractions and equal sharing...

We took lots of 'selfies'...

We performed in plays...

We took more 'selfies'...

We had special visitors...

We planted spring bulbs for our inquiry...

 And we took more 'selfies'...


We had plenty of birthdays...

We learned how to play "SpeedBall" from our big buddy class - what a great game!

 We tried so hard our faces turned bright pink!

 We made our very own Ruma Ruru Post Shop - fingers crossed you will have an exciting letter coming soon.

Waikato colours!! We didn't even realise until we had finished.

And we had our first Jnr Choir performance...

You are welcome to come in and check out all our learning as this is only a sneak peak of the 'life of a  Ruru.'

Well that is all for now. Keep checking for more updates on Term 3. Book Week starts tomorrow...we can't wait!

Take Care,
Love Ruma Ruru :)

PS: What was your favourite 'subject' during Term 2?


  1. Last term my favourite thing I did was doing maths. From Abbie

  2. Hi Abbie, I'm glad you enjoyed doing maths as it is such a useful thing to know. Maths is everywhere...:)

  3. "My Daffodil is growing fast, it is nearly ready to flower." Says Jaxon. Spring is really on it's way now.

    The Bucks

    1. I love daffodils! Lucky yours is close to flowering, I think you need to help me look after mine by the back door of Ruru... hehe!
